Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Set Your Goals.

Hello my Chic Friends. As I see my life changing by things that I never thought of. I asked myself, How is it that you are still naive of it? I mean, I am not getting younger but I do getting wiser and calmer. Why do I say this?- I remember being 21, I was a typical young and rebel kid who did not care about others, it was my one way or the highway, drink until you passed out, and eat whatever you want without caring much about my health or how it was going to affect me at the end. Well, we all had been there (or still are there!).
My priorities had changed so much from that age until now and I still making some more, for example, exercise (which I never did before) and try to eat as healthy as possible. Not only it will help me get in shape (after having my two boys) but after my Father and most of my family had died from illnesses due to being overweight or not eating the right type of food, I set my goals to try to be a more positive person when it comes to eat what is good for your body and toss what is not. Today is my Father's 10 years anniversary of his death due to heart problems. He died so young and I do not want my kids to go through something like that, and besides I do want to see my grandchildren!

Top: Forever 21
Skirt: Windsor
Wedges: Windsor
Bag: H&M
Necklace: Domaine Designs
Bracelet: Michael's

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